Bangladesh is a land of rivers, ponds, canals, lakes, beels
and many big or small ditches. So there is a great prospective of fish culture
in Bangladesh. Fish cultivation has become as popular as the other productive
From time immemorial, a large number of Bengali people have
depended for their livelihood on fishing and related occupations. Bangladesh is
the best suitable place for fish cultivation. Her soil and climate are
congenial to fish cultivation. Fish is the main source of our traditional
foods. The fisheries sector contributes more than 5% of our GDP and 10% of our
export earnings. It employs 1.4 million people. About 1.2 crores of people are
directly or indirectly dependent on this sector. At present, fish cultivation
has turned into a profitable business in Bangladesh.
Fish cultivation has a great prospect in Bangladesh. It can
not only glorify our economy but also develop our national status. Fish, as a
source of food is very delicious and nutrition. It is the chief source for our
protein. Almost 60% of the demand for our protein is met up by fish. Today fish
cultivation has become a great source of income. So, the unemployed people can
engage themselves in this profession. Thus, it can go a long way to solve our
unemployment problem. Besides, by exporting fish, we can earn a lot of foreign
Moreover, products from fish have economic utility too. For
instance, oil from sharks is used in processing jute and leather. Various
by-products of fishes supply the raw-materials of soap and candle industries
There is no undisturbed blessing on earth. Fish cultivation
is not an exception to this. There are a number of obstacles in this sector.
Sometimes, it is attacked by virus and sometimes it falls victim to natural
calamities. Again, there are touts, brokers who cheat the simple-minded
fishermen. Exploiting too much fishes without considering their natural
breeding, using too much fertilizers and insecticides in fields, decrease of
fishing areas etc. are also leaving adverse effects on the prospect of fish
cultures in Bangladesh.
The Govt. has already taken some steps to popularise fish
cultivation to our countrymen. To translate the vast potential of fisheries in
Bangladesh into real wealth, a separate department of fisheries has been
established. It is performing its duty to develop this trade and to improve the
lot of the people who are engaged in this profession. Today the people who are
engaged in fish cultivation are granted bank loans and supplied with necessary
appliances. Moreover, different laws relating to fisheries have been farmed
from time to time. On the other hand, NGOs have already come forward to help
the people with money for fish cultivation. As a result, the people are eager
to cultivate fish in every nook and corner of the country as a whole.
The govt. has taken various steps but yet it should adopt a
number of initiatives to accelerate this cultivation. First of all, private
entrepreneurs should be encouraged. Besides, there should be effective
amendments in the fish laws and these laws should be properly enforced. More
fisheries education and research institution should be set up. Moreover,
provisions should be made so that the fishermen can obtain easy loans from the
banks. After all, public awareness should be created towards fish cultivation
as a profitable business.
Fish cultivation as a great potential for our country. With
the concerted efforts of both the Govt. and mass people, it can surely be
turned into a profitable business, which will ultimately trigger our economic
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