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Friday, July 31, 2015

Womens Contribution to Development of our Country

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Women's Development picture

Women constitution almost half of the total populationof Bangladesh. So, they have a significant role to social and economicdevelopmentof the country.From time immemorial, womenfolk of ourcountry are contribution a lot to family affairs and agriculture. But Womenemancipation movements and efforts in women empowerment have opened new avenues for their broader participation in economicactivities. Now, they are regarded as women power and the state has recognisedthem as agents for change and development.
In the past, women were segregatedfrom out-of- home productive activities. So, the hearth become their place and cooking, cleaning, washing, giving birth andrearing children etc. become their responsibilities. Though they had a great role in agriculture, that was not counted as economic activity.
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Development Picture
Now, women of our countryare coming out of their cocoons. They are increasingly getting educatedand joining all the outside work fields. They are working keeping pace with men and  
 proving their worth . thus they are contributing a lot to the developmentof the country.
Approximately 20 million women in our countryare working in agriculture including fishery. Bangladesh is an agriculture country. And her economy largely depends on it. So, women are contributionto her economygreatly.
About 34% of unpaid workers in small and cottage industries are women. On the other hand, they constitution a significantshare is more than 80% of all employers.
Women were deprived of education in the past. Some great women like Nawab Faizunnessa, Begum Rokeya etc.contributed a lot to the education of womenfolk. Now, we see that a lot of women have taken and are increasinglytaking teaching as a profession from primary to university level. Thus, they are playing a great role in nationbuilding.
In addition to providinglabour, women contribute to development by way of being entrepreneurs and creating investmentand employment opportunities for others. Handicraft is the most preferredarea of women entrepreneurship. Their income generating activities in both rural and urban areas cover mainly sewing of clothes, drawings, boutique, embroidery and food sale.
Women are working efficiently in some other sectors. Health services, Banking, Police, Armed forces, Information Technology etc. are some of them. Besides, a lot of working women are employed at salescounters, reception desk, advertising agencies, performing arts, management services, NGO's etc.
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Women's Development picture

With education, training and opportunities, women are proving their worth in outdoor work fields. But at this same time they are performing their traditional riles of
 wife, mother and homemaker. Thus, are leading the nationto overall development.
Women's contribution to the developmentof Bangladeshhas already been recognized by all. So, the govt. as well as all other non-govt. organization have come forward for their development.Girl’seducationup to higher secondary level has been made free. Their employment opportunitieshave also been increased. NGO'sare raising social awareness among them and engaging them in incomegenerating activities. In such a situation, we can hope that in near future our women power will lead the country to become a developmentone.


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